
Line height design guidelines Below

Line Height Calculator

Font size

The conversion is based on the line height ratio of

1.618 is the golden line height ratio.
Medium uses 1.5 line height ratio
Twitter uses 1.43 line height ratio

These line height ratio is suitable for body text.
For headings line height ratio check out our cheat sheet below.

Standard Font Line Height Ratio for Headings and Body text


Line height Ratio (Desktop)

Line height Ratio (Mobile)

Secondary text (very tiny)



Secondary text



Body text

1.45 - 1.6

1.35 - 1.5


1 - 1.15

1 - 1.1

Button Text

1 - 1.1


These are just the standard line height ratio guidelines. If you’re creative you can pull off even larger or smaller sizes as well. Just make sure they look good across devices. Longer lines like paragraphs or body text need more line height, shorter lines like headings need less.
For example:- Headings having line height ratio of 1.6 may appear to have a lot of space between the line due to bigger font sizes. 
Similarly body text with line height ratio of 1.1 or smaller can be very hard to read and inconvenient to read.

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